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Custom Messages/Text/Translations

It's possible to edit any text shown in a menu by editing the strings file


The messages strings are stored in 0100000000001000\romfs\message\<lang code>\<menu>.msbt.szs

What You'll Need

  • qlaunch romfs files (extract firmare, extract qlaunch)
  • Kuriimu v1

Example steps to change the eShop button label

  1. Copy the qlaunch.msbt.szs of the language you want to edit from the qlaunch romfs (see path above)
  2. Open Kuriimu and follow this path: image
  3. Pick qlaunch.msbt.szs
  4. It will ask you where to decompress it. It will retain the "szs" in the end, but it will say decomp.szs so its unpackaged
  5. Now open up the qlaunch.msbt.decomp.szs in Kuriimu and it should look like this screenshot (with a list of string names on the left) image
  6. To change the eShop button label, go down to the ones labeled RdtSystemTitle_Shop
  7. Change it to whatever, save it. Then repeat the "Decompress" steps but instead compress this time
  8. Rename the compressed .szs to qlaunch.msbt.szs
  9. Copy the modified qlaunch.msbt.szs to SD:\atmosphere\contents\0100000000001000\romfs\message\<lang code>\qlaunch.msbt.szs

For a more extensive guide (although not yet finished) check out this one by bandithedoge