
In order to get started, it is essential to know where you can find specific parts of the menus. The following pages lists many known components, but there also some yet undocumented. Feel free to contribute to this repository to help complete this list.

in the next few pages you will see file trees for bflyt files that can be altered a quick breakdown of a bflyt tree may contain:

  • panel [pan 1] - [pan 1] usually the Root panel but you may have more panels within the root panel
  • part [prt 1] - [prt 1] partname which is linked to a seperate bflyt within the szs
  • pic [pic 1] - [pic 1] image related could be a icon / button example or similar
  • bnd [bnd 1] - [bnd 1] Button related
  • txt [txt 1] - [txt 1] text area -actual text isn't changable just color/opacity size & location

Currently we have partial documentation for:

Common Name SZS file name Description
Common common.szs shared with resident menu / has minor menu settings & icons
Home Menu ResidentMenu.szs home screen of the switch or 'main menu' applet icons, game icons
Lockscreen Entrance.szs lockscreen wake screen, icons, hud and promotional information on lockscreen
All Apps Flaunch.szs Groups, sorting add, remove and the older all apps
Settings Set.szs switch settings page
Player Select Psl.szs icons, name popup when choosing a game and loading a profile
User Page MyPage.szs User profile page
News Notification.szs News page with latest game releases and console information


The files below are not Supported by NXTheme some can be modified but modifications can crash your switch

Common Name SZS file name Description
Eula Eula.szs contains Eula agreemeny information menus
Gift Gift.szs
Interrupt Interrupt.szs contains alarm screens and error / game crash screens
Migration Migration.szs contains account migration screens
Option Option.szs contains applets when you press on a game icons
SaveMove SaveMove.szs save migration panel / cloud save information?